Friday 6 November 2009


Teachers v/s preachers, what do you want to be?

Is it easy to teach in a classroom? How can a teacher know that he/she is doing right his/her mission? How can teachers know what to do in case their students are not motivated? Is it possible to get to motivate everyone in a classroom? motivation, what is it?

If you have read the questions above and you feel kind of lost, then you're feeling like an on-the-way-to-be-a-teacher. It is almost impossible to describe the teacher's role with just one word as they do lots of things in order to teach and to be the best ones at what they do.

When it comes to problems into a classroom it is impossible not to think of the well known ex-teacher now advisor expert LouAnne Jonhson who has written several books of self-help for teachers and about her own experience as a teacher when younger as well. Based on this one may think that it is important to be a person before thinking of being a teacher. You have to be aware of the students' needs in order to come out with ideas to help them because it is completely impossible to think of any improvement without being conscious of your students' capacities and necessities.

Can any other teacher advice you on your problems at school? I don't think so, every school is a complete different world and so the students are, so it would be pointless to say that there is one way or another to solve any specific situation you may have, you have to figure the way out by yourself taking into consideration your previous knowledge and obviously your pupils' issues, after all, isn't it what makes you a good teacher? Don't take it personally but if you are looking for a book to give you tips of what-to-do-in-case-of you are just not for this job.

If by reading this you think you are just not the right one to be a teacher and you are thinking that all of the books you've read about teachers' stories at school are just phony, please don't be such a radical person, of course those books can help you in some way to figure out what to do but the idea is not to get stuck in those pieces of advice and not to think of your own strategies, c'mon isn't it obvious?

to sum up, there is not just a way to solve a problem or the right one! Any solution you might find would be totally fine as long as you find the right way and the right time to get them done!

Enjoy your life as a teacher, breathe it, eat it, think it and feel it. At the end it will be the only thing you'll have, just kidding!


  1. HI My DeAr FrIenD! I loved your work I think that this time you wrote not only about the chapters, you also developed your points of view. And that is very good. I liked a lot
    Thousand KiZZes.

  2. Black pony,
    First of all I'd like to congratulate you for this article. It's pretty easy going through your ideas and I loved the way you write 'cause you used very sophisticated vocabulary and expressions.
    I'd like to say that I disagree with you in the point that if other teachers can advise you, 'cause I think that a piece of advice is very useful sometimes. Although, as you said, everything depends on us.
    It's very interesting see how you apply all the courses that we have had during our degree to complement this article.
    Anyway, you did a great job.

    Best wishes,
    Purple pony

  3. I agree with you. Teachers can't look for help only in books because those latter won't solve their problems totally. They must figure out solutions by themselves if they're supposed to be critical thinkers.
